Health Tech

What Do Physicians Really Think of AI?

Nearly half of physicians are equally excited and concerned about the use of AI in their field, according to a new AMA survey. Those who felt optimistic about AI cited reduced administrative burden as the number one benefit they’re seeking. Patient privacy and the impact to the patient-physician relationship were the most common reasons physicians cited for having reservations about AI.

Health Tech

Why the AMA President Thinks Scope of Practice Expansions Are a ‘Terrible Idea’

To address the growing physician shortage, some people argue that the scope of practice should be expanded for skilled healthcare professionals like nurse practitioners and pharmacists. American Medical Association President Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld said this is a “terrible idea.” He argued that throwing other professionals into physicians' roles will have poor ramifications of patient safety. In his view, the industry should focus on uplifting strong interprofessional care teams.

Health IT

Fewer Physicians Are Practice Owners Than Ever & Medicare Rates Are to Blame, AMA Says

Over the past decade, a significant percentage of the country’s physicians have shifted from working in private practices (defined as those owned wholly by physicians) to working in bigger, health system-owned practices. The ability to negotiate higher payment rates with insurers when working at a larger practice is a crucial factor causing this trend, according to a new AMA analysis.